Babuji (Grandfather)
Babuji sits in verandah every evening on his favourite chair

Dadi (Grandmother)
Dadi or amma’s regular job of sorting fresh coriander or garlic or vegetables.

Bade papa (Grandad's elder son)
Elder brother known as bade papa and he is the most responsible member of the family.

Badi mammy (Granddad's elder son's wife)
Same as bade papa, she is the most responsible lady of the house.

Sonu bhaiya (Granddad's elder son's elder son)
He is always busy in gym or selfies.

Sonu's sister Monu
Always greet with Namaste to Mohalla people. She is good girl and loves to sit with gossip ladies of town.

Chacha ji (Granddad's younger son)
Have bigger dreams in life. Not so responsible brother.

Chachi (Granddad's younger son's wife)
She has her own plans in life, chachi always wanted to live in the city and still have hopes which definitely changes her attitude towards household.

Pinky (Granddad's younger son's elder daughter)
Chatterbox of the family.

Golu (Granddad's younger son's younger son)
Everyone's toy. Dada - dadi ke jeene ka sahara

Buajee (Grand dad's daughter)
Family is worried for her marriage. She thinks she is the boss of family but they all hate her except her parents.

No family can be completed without a tommy.